Lab Blog

In the works

Apr 27, 2016


On the 2016 ISHR

And there we are again. Time for this years International Society for Heart Research Conference. This time it's the 2016 ISHR World Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina, as opposed to a national North American Section meeting. Hence, the motto for the congress was a rather fitting "Unraveling the mysteries of the heart at the rhythm of tango".

My involvement with the ISHR has grown ever since getting the ISHR Young Investigator Award in 2014. And one of my 'duties' as an Early Career Investigator (ECI) Committee member was to help organize and chair the ECI symposium at the first day of the meeting.

That's Carlos and myself listening intently to one of the ECI symposium presenters during the Q&A.

One of the BIG advantages of the ISHR over other organizations and societies in the cardiac field (who shall remain unnamed) is the ISHRs STRONG and unmatched support for young and early career investigators. Hence ECIs have ample opportunity to present their data either in the ECI symposium, or interspersed in the regular meeting program, as well as in poster presentations.
The ECI symposium itself took place on the first day of the meeting. I wrote a small blog that showcases ECIs who presented their work during the symposium on here.

The ISHR ECI symposium on the first day of the meeting.

The second and third days saw my poster presentation on our DCM project (yes I also worked a bit to justify me being there), the ECI social and Richard Bing Young Investigator Award, which were covered in another small blog post here.
All in all it was yet again a wonderful meeting, and I am very much look forward to the next ISHR meeting May 30 - June 2 2017 in New Orleans... Until then.

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