Alternative Muscle Club 2014

We organized the 2014 Alternative Muscle Club meeting in San Diego. The Alternative Muscle Club meeting is aimed at scientists early in their research careers. It provides an opportunity for young investigators in the academic, industry and medical sectors to present their work in a more relaxed environment. Its main goal is to build connections in the research community, and help learn about projects from other research laboratories and organizations.
This meeting was the perfect opportunity for our undergraduate students Stephanie Myers, Paige Shapiro and Lauren Waller to present data from their summer research fellowship.

Paige and Lauren at the AMCSD Paige and Lauren present their work on cullin-3 ubiquitin E3-ligases during the poster session.
Please visit the meeting website for more information on the participants, program agenda and pictures.

Stephanie at her poster discussing results on calcium handling in obscurin knockout cardiomyocytes. Paige and Lauren at the AMCSD